Next Chapter Homes TN

We are exclusively designed

to serve women aged 50 and older in Nashville, TN.


This is the home that supports a community of women who are serious about their recovery programs- where they can experience support from others who have had similar life experiences. A Safe Place to Call Home- makes all the difference in moving forward.  We firmly believe that a high-quality living environment can greatly increase an individuals chance of sustaining long-term recovery.

What we do…


Next Chapter Homes is a client centered a community designed exclusively to serve women 50 and older in Nashville, TN who need a safe, recovery environment to practice new behavior with a safe place to land. Women who experience mental health issues and/or substance use disorders who would be at risk for relapse & rehospitalization without a Safe Place to Call Home.



A Sanctuary for Rediscovery and Renewal

Our community offers a haven where women can address the complex challenges that come with this stage of life. Unlike younger women, our residents face multifaceted issues such as:


  • Family Dynamics: Navigating parenting, experiencing empty nests, caring for aging parents, and dealing with divorce.

  • Health and Wellness: Coping with menopause, managing health concerns, and understanding the changes in maturing bodies.

  • Cultural and Societal Expectations: Confronting and redefining what it means to age gracefully in today’s society.


Women who have likely taken care of everyone else and either forgotten, or never got around to caring for themselves.

These experienced women might have a background involving justice issues, or prior hospitalizations for addiction/ mental health. If you include any traumatic experiences, recovery from mental health and/or substance use disorder has additional challenges.

We recognize that every woman’s journey to recovery is unique. We provide the space to give each other a chance to discover whoever they are at this point in life. Our community is a judgement-free zone where residents can learn new ways to care for themselves and develop sustainable habits for long-term recovery.


We also understand this to mean that there is no “one path” for everyone, and see this is a foundation of personal safety. Our homes are designed for this transitional time of life as women move into their “Next Chapter.” It may be a clean start or there may be some wreckage from the past. Either way, we are here to support you as you walk this path.


Welcome Home



Next Chapter Homes supports a Social Model of Recovery and we support Medication Assisted Recovery. We are dual diagnosis and trauma informed.

We are here to celebrate & support resiliency, recovery, and independence.


We follow the nationally recognized Kate’s House Model (https://kateshousefoundation.org)

We are an Affiliate of The Tennessee Alliance of Recovery Residences (TN-ARR) 

For more information

For more information

Contact Stacey Horn, LCSW




📩 info@nextchapterhomes.org

PO Box 1302, Madison, TN 37116


Next Chapter Homes is a 501c3 Organization, Tax # 93-3448546, Copyright © 2024


Looking for a place where you belong?

                                We’ve got you


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